Problems with Blogo
0June 13, 2015 by Anthony Compton
I am thinking that maybe I purchased Blogo too soon. I use two different Macs to do just about everything including Bloging. It seems that Blogo freaks out if you update the same site from more than one computer. I have reported the issue to Blogo and they seem genuinely responsive with regard to looking into this but I lack patience so I am spending more time with the demo of Mars Edit.
So far I find the spell checking in MarEdit to be superior. I think the interface is a little old school but I’m thinking I can live with that. I am also liking that the category list is available for viewing at all times.
If I find that I can update from both computers It’s likely I’ll switch.
Quick update: When I posted this from MarsEdit it did the same thing that has been happening when I published using Blogo. It delete my blog page. Fortunately, I can recover it from the trash but it still gets trashed every time publish anything.
Update 06/16/15
Now that I’m starting to get used to MarsEdit I am beginning to think it’s a better product. I have tested editing and removing blog entries from both programs and MarsEdit seems to sync correctly with the Blog where as Blogo doesn’t seem to know when I have deleted something from MarsEdit. Also, so far I have not figured out how to create a page using Blogo.
Category Blogo, MarsEdit, Review | Tags: Review
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