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Inside the MMC II

Inside the MMC II from the door in the rear.

View inside the MMC II from the front couch.

View inside the MMC II from the front couch.







Late in 2012 I acquired a 1989 17.5 FT Coachman Cadet travel trailer.  The unit has some issues but over all seems to be in workable condition.  This unit is going to by my Mobile Man Cave (MMC II), will also serve as a rolling Ham Shack, and will likely be used for some family camping.

Known issues are:

  • Leak over closet in rear.
  • Numerous wiring problems.
  • Mushy floor between the couch and the dining table.

I have tested most of the appliances so far and all looks well with the following exceptions:

  • The oven pilot works but the burner does not want to light. 
  • AC unit fan works but it’s been too cold to see of the unit blows cooled air.
  • The fan for the refrigerator is frozen.
  • The furnace fan is very loud.  I know that most are but this one is in need of replacement I think.


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